Sunday 19 August 2007

Bit about today and tomorrow

Today Alex called me and asked if I could come round and I said I would be there in 15 mins. We trained climb ups and I did one of my fastest climb ups ever, so I am going to try and make all my climb ups as fast as that particular one. I also did a few running armjumps onto a wall where the take off gets further away along the wall and I managed to make a running armjump about as big as the small wagamama running armjump. I've done that armjump at wagzi's before but not very well so I'm very happy that i achieved this nice armjump :)
I also conquered my fear of level catpass precisions, it was a catpass from a bin onto a rail and I was just landing on the bar with one foot and my other foot on the ground and then the next try BAM i land both feet and stuck it incredibly well.

Tomorrow I start my proper conditioning since i haven't properly conditioned in a while. Wish me luck!

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