I haven't posted in 4 days...
My conditioning went a bit crap after Wednesday I did 50 of each thing on Thursday and then it just completely went to dust and i didn't condition again. But this week I'll be posting less and be less on the computer - I'll be conditioning nearly every day and I'll try to complete it each day. I went to bed at 3:00 on Friday so my parkour on Saturday wasn't good at all. Kept landing on my arches on rails and just wasn't up to my normal abilitys. But I was trying to do some new things and managed to do some stuff and i finally saw reece (chapman) again..YAY.
Sunday, 26 August 2007
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Tomorrows Conditioning
Tomorrow I am doing a bit of everything (except abdominals and back)
15 pullups no reps - I want to see if I can do this many pullups in one set)
50 pressups reps of 10
50 dips reps of 25
50 squats reps of 25
50 calf raisers reps of 25
200 shin raisers reps of 50
Some handstand practice, plus light parkour. Work on symetrical muscle ups :)
15 pullups no reps - I want to see if I can do this many pullups in one set)
50 pressups reps of 10
50 dips reps of 25
50 squats reps of 25
50 calf raisers reps of 25
200 shin raisers reps of 50
Some handstand practice, plus light parkour. Work on symetrical muscle ups :)
Yup...It's post about today
Today I just managed to do all my conditioning. It was actually tougher than I thought but I still managed it :)
I trained with MattNick at the quad and the park today. I hadn't been to the park since it was re-done so it was quite a treat seeing a new spot. We started off warming up and training a bit at the front of the quad. I nearly did a symetrical muscle up, I did the transaction fine but it was just the dip at the end that i couldn't do so I just fell straight back down. Also did an armjump to the quad tree which isn't very big just quite tricky as you have to get your hands right round the tree. I managed to do it landing with one foot but I need to come back to it another day to do it two footed because by the time I was doing it two footed I just slid down the tree because it was wet.
I also told Matt about going up a staircase backwards on all fours. It's a pretty fun exercise to do so we found some dry stairs and were just traversing backwards on them. Also did a bit of training there such as barefoot armjumps,precisions and drilling landings.
Next we went to the park, were there was plenty to do. I hurt my ankle a bit jumping on a small bouncy trampoline thing and landing with half my foot on the bouncy thing and half of my foot on the ground causing it to roll inwards a bit and lightly spraining it.(but i'm resting it and iceing it so it'll be fine, I've done this before and know what to do) From then on I was doing one footed precisions as well as doing some balancing work and doing dips and such on bars.
Was a good day Matt.
I trained with MattNick at the quad and the park today. I hadn't been to the park since it was re-done so it was quite a treat seeing a new spot. We started off warming up and training a bit at the front of the quad. I nearly did a symetrical muscle up, I did the transaction fine but it was just the dip at the end that i couldn't do so I just fell straight back down. Also did an armjump to the quad tree which isn't very big just quite tricky as you have to get your hands right round the tree. I managed to do it landing with one foot but I need to come back to it another day to do it two footed because by the time I was doing it two footed I just slid down the tree because it was wet.
I also told Matt about going up a staircase backwards on all fours. It's a pretty fun exercise to do so we found some dry stairs and were just traversing backwards on them. Also did a bit of training there such as barefoot armjumps,precisions and drilling landings.
Next we went to the park, were there was plenty to do. I hurt my ankle a bit jumping on a small bouncy trampoline thing and landing with half my foot on the bouncy thing and half of my foot on the ground causing it to roll inwards a bit and lightly spraining it.(but i'm resting it and iceing it so it'll be fine, I've done this before and know what to do) From then on I was doing one footed precisions as well as doing some balancing work and doing dips and such on bars.
Was a good day Matt.
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Todays Conditioning
Today I did all my conditioning exercises.
200 shin raisers
150 calf raisers
20 exlposive squats
and the rest of the excercises I did the amount I said i'd do in yesterday's post.
And then to top the day off I went for a nice relaxing swim, just cooling down and resting.
I found hopping up the stairs really difficult, it's something I'm going to incoperate more into my training and conditioning.
Tomorrow: Abs and Back
50 sit ups
30 secs plank hold x 3 (might go to 1 min depending on how i feel)
25 Bicycle Exercises See Link
Superman 1 min x 3 (i'll post a pic another time, it is basically just lieing on your front and lifting off all other parts of body off of the ground)
50 crunches
25 V raisers
I'll do some more exercises if i feel up to it :)
200 shin raisers
150 calf raisers
20 exlposive squats
and the rest of the excercises I did the amount I said i'd do in yesterday's post.
And then to top the day off I went for a nice relaxing swim, just cooling down and resting.
I found hopping up the stairs really difficult, it's something I'm going to incoperate more into my training and conditioning.
Tomorrow: Abs and Back
50 sit ups
30 secs plank hold x 3 (might go to 1 min depending on how i feel)
25 Bicycle Exercises See Link
Superman 1 min x 3 (i'll post a pic another time, it is basically just lieing on your front and lifting off all other parts of body off of the ground)
50 crunches
25 V raisers
I'll do some more exercises if i feel up to it :)
Monday, 20 August 2007
Today and tomorrow - Conditioning & Stretching
Today has been quite a lazy day, i've been stencilling and conditioning..
I did all the conditioning exercises for today except for 20 chinups because I remebered that my right elbow hurts at the bottom of a rep so I did 20 pressups instead because I do not want to injure myself. I also held a handstand against a wall for a minute twice (total= 2mins).I'm pleased today because I actually did what I planned for the day.
Tomorrow I'll be doing lower body conditioning and it'll go like this:
50 squats
1min x 3 ski sit
50 calf raisers
50 shin raisers
1 min continuous step ups (step onto step one foot after another and then down)
10 explosive squats (at the botoom of squat, jump up as high as i can)
Hopping up stairs 3 times on each leg
I've started stretching every single morning now even if I'm not going to do much exercise on that day. I feel after I've stretched my quads, hamstrings and achilles tendons that my knees feel much more relaxed and less tense. It's mainly because I'm growing or if I've overdone it the dya before (which is rarely). I never feel pain in my knees, just the muscles around them so I've figured if i keep on stretching them everyday that they'll become less tense.
I did all the conditioning exercises for today except for 20 chinups because I remebered that my right elbow hurts at the bottom of a rep so I did 20 pressups instead because I do not want to injure myself. I also held a handstand against a wall for a minute twice (total= 2mins).I'm pleased today because I actually did what I planned for the day.
Tomorrow I'll be doing lower body conditioning and it'll go like this:
50 squats
1min x 3 ski sit
50 calf raisers
50 shin raisers
1 min continuous step ups (step onto step one foot after another and then down)
10 explosive squats (at the botoom of squat, jump up as high as i can)
Hopping up stairs 3 times on each leg
I've started stretching every single morning now even if I'm not going to do much exercise on that day. I feel after I've stretched my quads, hamstrings and achilles tendons that my knees feel much more relaxed and less tense. It's mainly because I'm growing or if I've overdone it the dya before (which is rarely). I never feel pain in my knees, just the muscles around them so I've figured if i keep on stretching them everyday that they'll become less tense.
Sunday, 19 August 2007
Bit about today and tomorrow
Today Alex called me and asked if I could come round and I said I would be there in 15 mins. We trained climb ups and I did one of my fastest climb ups ever, so I am going to try and make all my climb ups as fast as that particular one. I also did a few running armjumps onto a wall where the take off gets further away along the wall and I managed to make a running armjump about as big as the small wagamama running armjump. I've done that armjump at wagzi's before but not very well so I'm very happy that i achieved this nice armjump :)
I also conquered my fear of level catpass precisions, it was a catpass from a bin onto a rail and I was just landing on the bar with one foot and my other foot on the ground and then the next try BAM i land both feet and stuck it incredibly well.
Tomorrow I start my proper conditioning since i haven't properly conditioned in a while. Wish me luck!
I also conquered my fear of level catpass precisions, it was a catpass from a bin onto a rail and I was just landing on the bar with one foot and my other foot on the ground and then the next try BAM i land both feet and stuck it incredibly well.
Tomorrow I start my proper conditioning since i haven't properly conditioned in a while. Wish me luck!
Saturday, 18 August 2007
Conditioning feat. Jogging
I feel that my conditioning isn't up to scratch and that I haven't been conditioning enough. I'm not always focused because of school and homework and other activities.
So starting from this Monday I'll be doing my full conditioning schedule and sticking to it.
100 press ups - reps of 20
50 dips - reps of 25
10 wide press ups
10 close press ups
30 pull ups - reps of 10
20 chin ups - reps of 10
I'm only posting this for Monday because on Monday I'll post my regime for Tuesday.
I'm gently easing into more and more sets because I haven't been conditioning much recently so I need to get back in Form.
Jogging-Endurance - 800metre
I've found that a year ago (when i hadn't started parkour) I found that my endurance was pretty good and I was an alright long distance athlete. Achieving about 3min50secs in 800 metres which was pretty good for me.
But now since I've started parkour and actually properly running. I've gone into quite alot of school competitions coming 3rd or 4th every time.
And constantly getting a time of 2min35sec - 2min45sec
With one great thing, comes many more great things.
So starting from this Monday I'll be doing my full conditioning schedule and sticking to it.
100 press ups - reps of 20
50 dips - reps of 25
10 wide press ups
10 close press ups
30 pull ups - reps of 10
20 chin ups - reps of 10
I'm only posting this for Monday because on Monday I'll post my regime for Tuesday.
I'm gently easing into more and more sets because I haven't been conditioning much recently so I need to get back in Form.
Jogging-Endurance - 800metre
I've found that a year ago (when i hadn't started parkour) I found that my endurance was pretty good and I was an alright long distance athlete. Achieving about 3min50secs in 800 metres which was pretty good for me.
But now since I've started parkour and actually properly running. I've gone into quite alot of school competitions coming 3rd or 4th every time.
And constantly getting a time of 2min35sec - 2min45sec
With one great thing, comes many more great things.
I'm back *yay*. Came back earlier from Cornwall as it was just raining and really windy most of the time.
Managed to do loads of rock training aswell as training in the cities (plymouth etc.)
The rocks were amazing, there is sooo much to do there and i really want to go back and do more training. It had an awsome feeling to it, as you had to adjust every movement a bit because rocks aren't like walls in the city. They are all kinds of sizes and different surfaces. I mainly did barefoot training on the rocks as I want to incorporate more barefoot stuff into my training.
Training in the towns and cities was quite good, there wasn't really much but there was a bit. A nice catpass precision and a armjump to precision (like armjump to armjump but to a precision) from a tree. I've been working on the tech for Armjump to Armjump and I'm trying to get more height on the and to be more explosive.

Managed to do loads of rock training aswell as training in the cities (plymouth etc.)
The rocks were amazing, there is sooo much to do there and i really want to go back and do more training. It had an awsome feeling to it, as you had to adjust every movement a bit because rocks aren't like walls in the city. They are all kinds of sizes and different surfaces. I mainly did barefoot training on the rocks as I want to incorporate more barefoot stuff into my training.
Training in the towns and cities was quite good, there wasn't really much but there was a bit. A nice catpass precision and a armjump to precision (like armjump to armjump but to a precision) from a tree. I've been working on the tech for Armjump to Armjump and I'm trying to get more height on the and to be more explosive.
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Changed Blog a bit
I've changed my blog around a bit, and instead of posting my good video in a post I've put it at the side for easy viewing. Just click on it and you'll be able to watch the video, clicking on the video won't take you to the youtube site, it'll just appear on my blog.
On May the 3rd, MattNick sent me a a PM saying that I was invited to join SA:PK V2
"Recently me and the rest of the SAPK have been analysising your performance and dedication to the parkour scene, You have an extremly promising talent that we wish to help you unleash as part of our team."
The opening paragraph, I was stoked. Josh had said to me earlier in the week that Matt had told him about a sub group in SA:PK called V2. All I had done was to train and condition. I wasn't training to be the best and get into SA:PK. I was practising parkour because I LOVE IT. I was (still am) training to become efficient and great things followed.
I think alot of children in the UK at the mo see all these videos of people jumping of 11 foot high walls, and then they go out and do the same because the look "cool" and "hard". I was lucky to have good traceurs around me to guide me in the right way.
Thats were V2 comes in, i don't see v2 as an oppurtunity to show off and say "hahaha i'm in V2 and you're not" I see V2 as an oppurtunity for young guys to come to me and say "look I can't get this movement right" and then i'll help them with the movement, give them tips and so on. I won't say "You're rubbish, go away idiot"
I'm happy to help..
"In closing its my great pleasure to invite you to join the newly formed SA:PKv2, please get back to me ASAP with any questions and confirmations on whether you wish to join our project.
Keep up the training Bernie and keeping representing our community."
I immediately PM'ed Matt back and said "I deffinitely except"
The last word "Community" I feel this word is the word i just want to yell when some one says "What's parkour" Yes it's about being efficient. But it's also about being a community; standing together. If traceurs were't a community then we'd all be saying different things,
If you've read all that and know me. Give me a hug next time i see you ;)
"Recently me and the rest of the SAPK have been analysising your performance and dedication to the parkour scene, You have an extremly promising talent that we wish to help you unleash as part of our team."
The opening paragraph, I was stoked. Josh had said to me earlier in the week that Matt had told him about a sub group in SA:PK called V2. All I had done was to train and condition. I wasn't training to be the best and get into SA:PK. I was practising parkour because I LOVE IT. I was (still am) training to become efficient and great things followed.
I think alot of children in the UK at the mo see all these videos of people jumping of 11 foot high walls, and then they go out and do the same because the look "cool" and "hard". I was lucky to have good traceurs around me to guide me in the right way.
Thats were V2 comes in, i don't see v2 as an oppurtunity to show off and say "hahaha i'm in V2 and you're not" I see V2 as an oppurtunity for young guys to come to me and say "look I can't get this movement right" and then i'll help them with the movement, give them tips and so on. I won't say "You're rubbish, go away idiot"
I'm happy to help..
"In closing its my great pleasure to invite you to join the newly formed SA:PKv2, please get back to me ASAP with any questions and confirmations on whether you wish to join our project.
Keep up the training Bernie and keeping representing our community."
I immediately PM'ed Matt back and said "I deffinitely except"
The last word "Community" I feel this word is the word i just want to yell when some one says "What's parkour" Yes it's about being efficient. But it's also about being a community; standing together. If traceurs were't a community then we'd all be saying different things,
If you've read all that and know me. Give me a hug next time i see you ;)
Bernie: Intro
Yo, I'm Bernie. I'm South African, I've lived in England for the past 6 years. The weather is awful here haha.
I've been doing training for about 11 and a half months now, my lifestyle has completly changed in the last 11 months. I'm eating more healthily, I am much more active and alot fitter. Through parkour I've met loads of different people, I owe a great deal to those that train with me and teach me. My strength, endurance and explosive power has increased dramatically.
Parkour has affected my schoolwork, i'm not always completing work and in some of my end of year tests I didn't do well at all. (Even though i'm very good at those subjects normally)
In September, I'm going to change a heck of alot.
More conditioning.
More training
Better schoolwork
Focus more- I'll take what i've learnt from parkour and put it into practice in other areas, namely school.. That means focussing and concerntrating.
I've been doing training for about 11 and a half months now, my lifestyle has completly changed in the last 11 months. I'm eating more healthily, I am much more active and alot fitter. Through parkour I've met loads of different people, I owe a great deal to those that train with me and teach me. My strength, endurance and explosive power has increased dramatically.
Parkour has affected my schoolwork, i'm not always completing work and in some of my end of year tests I didn't do well at all. (Even though i'm very good at those subjects normally)
In September, I'm going to change a heck of alot.
More conditioning.
More training
Better schoolwork
Focus more- I'll take what i've learnt from parkour and put it into practice in other areas, namely school.. That means focussing and concerntrating.
First Post:
I used to have a blog, I've forgotten the name and the email adress i used... SO i've created a new blog :].
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