Tuesday, 14 August 2007


On May the 3rd, MattNick sent me a a PM saying that I was invited to join SA:PK V2

"Recently me and the rest of the SAPK have been analysising your performance and dedication to the parkour scene, You have an extremly promising talent that we wish to help you unleash as part of our team."

The opening paragraph, I was stoked. Josh had said to me earlier in the week that Matt had told him about a sub group in SA:PK called V2. All I had done was to train and condition. I wasn't training to be the best and get into SA:PK. I was practising parkour because I LOVE IT. I was (still am) training to become efficient and great things followed.

I think alot of children in the UK at the mo see all these videos of people jumping of 11 foot high walls, and then they go out and do the same because the look "cool" and "hard". I was lucky to have good traceurs around me to guide me in the right way.

Thats were V2 comes in, i don't see v2 as an oppurtunity to show off and say "hahaha i'm in V2 and you're not" I see V2 as an oppurtunity for young guys to come to me and say "look I can't get this movement right" and then i'll help them with the movement, give them tips and so on. I won't say "You're rubbish, go away idiot"

I'm happy to help..

In closing its my great pleasure to invite you to join the newly formed SA:PKv2, please get back to me ASAP with any questions and confirmations on whether you wish to join our project.

Keep up the training Bernie and keeping representing our community."

I immediately PM'ed Matt back and said "I deffinitely except"

The last word "Community" I feel this word is the word i just want to yell when some one says "What's parkour" Yes it's about being efficient. But it's also about being a community; standing together. If traceurs were't a community then we'd all be saying different things,

If you've read all that and know me. Give me a hug next time i see you ;)

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