Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Bernie: Intro

Yo, I'm Bernie. I'm South African, I've lived in England for the past 6 years. The weather is awful here haha.
I've been doing training for about 11 and a half months now, my lifestyle has completly changed in the last 11 months. I'm eating more healthily, I am much more active and alot fitter. Through parkour I've met loads of different people, I owe a great deal to those that train with me and teach me. My strength, endurance and explosive power has increased dramatically.

Parkour has affected my schoolwork, i'm not always completing work and in some of my end of year tests I didn't do well at all. (Even though i'm very good at those subjects normally)

In September, I'm going to change a heck of alot.
More conditioning.
More training
Better schoolwork
Focus more- I'll take what i've learnt from parkour and put it into practice in other areas, namely school.. That means focussing and concerntrating.

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