Monday, 20 August 2007

Today and tomorrow - Conditioning & Stretching

Today has been quite a lazy day, i've been stencilling and conditioning..

I did all the conditioning exercises for today except for 20 chinups because I remebered that my right elbow hurts at the bottom of a rep so I did 20 pressups instead because I do not want to injure myself. I also held a handstand against a wall for a minute twice (total= 2mins).I'm pleased today because I actually did what I planned for the day.
Tomorrow I'll be doing lower body conditioning and it'll go like this:

50 squats
1min x 3 ski sit
50 calf raisers
50 shin raisers
1 min continuous step ups (step onto step one foot after another and then down)
10 explosive squats (at the botoom of squat, jump up as high as i can)
Hopping up stairs 3 times on each leg

I've started stretching every single morning now even if I'm not going to do much exercise on that day. I feel after I've stretched my quads, hamstrings and achilles tendons that my knees feel much more relaxed and less tense. It's mainly because I'm growing or if I've overdone it the dya before (which is rarely). I never feel pain in my knees, just the muscles around them so I've figured if i keep on stretching them everyday that they'll become less tense.

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