Monday, 5 May 2008

Haven't been on here for agesssss - An Update

Life is good, awesome actually. School work is loads better and I have a healthy balance of parkour and other things.

I've been working on flips etc and have now learnt:
Wall Flips
and im still working on gainer dismounts.

I went to decathlon to buy new shoes yesterday, got a normal Kalenji 'Success' and another pair which are the same as Rich's but one size bigger :D. Like they aren't very grippy atm but i'll wear them in and they will be awesome. I wanted to buy a bow and arrow hahaha.

At first my new kalenji's (not success type) needed wearing in and were really squeaky and the grip wasnt very good. But now i've started wearing them in loads and they are awesomeeeee!


Training has been so awesome, the last few days have been so sunny resulting in me training everyday. On Wednesday I trained with Matt and Ben in town (nearly all of sapk..) which was pretty awesome. Did some lovely symmetrical muscle ups, worked on the alban arena running precision and varying movements after the precision. Had loads of fun and the chats on the way home was pretty sick.
At my area I have been working on loads of runs through the trees, got the runs really smooth as well as recovering really well from 3 stupid bails hahahaha
I've been working on my touch too and i've noticed a difference, trying to walk quietly to school at school to my house etc is really good for practising and also I really wanna start more barefoot in town not just my area so that will be safe.


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