Saturday, 26 January 2008


I've been thinking a lot over the last week or so about what parkour really is.

I've realized that parkour isn't just efficiency of movement, but also efficiency of the mind. If say a gap is 20 feet far but only 1 foot of the ground and another gap is 400 feet high but 2 foot far.

If I was able to precision that far the thing that would really push my mental capability is the precision so high up, thats real movement. It's all in the mind, you conidition your body and keep going with that but after you've reached a certain level all training is; is a mental struggle for certain things.

The thing that a lot of people do not understand is that parkour isn't just a physical thing but also a mental thing. The reason some traceurs are so very good at movement is because they keep pushing their mental barrier and keep pushing that barrier further and further.

If you know you can do a precision to a tiny rail then why not do it right there on the spot no hesitation? Thats right it's the mental side of you that is stopping you doing the movement. Your mind is saying "What happens if I fall", "What happens if I slip and break an ankle"
It's a matter of overcoming that mental bit that will allow you the freedom to do anything inside your physical ability or even pushing your physical ability further.

So when your sitting in class and not bothered about anything, think is this going to help my parkour? Taking in everything will expand your mind so that you know more and overcome fears more easily. Just use your brain everyday and learn how people react and what emotions are the best and worst etc. Using your mind to solve a maths puzzle is exactly the same as using your mind to solve the problem of overcoming your fear. Maybe the fear is a bit more extensive than a maths puzzle but at least you've had some practice to how to overcome obstacles mentally.
I leave you with a quote that i have been thinking about all week, I made it up.

"It's all in the mind, after you've freed your mind you can do anything to an extent"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm loving it bernie, this post is extremely inspirational and something i have been thinking of for a while

train soon man =]