Tuesday, 2 October 2007


Today I did my conditioning very late, but after I had finished my homework.

I figured today should be lower body because I do trampolining and thats all lower body strength I'm using.

squats. reps of 25. 2 sets
10 exlposive squats
200 shin raisers
50 calf raisers
ski sit (against wall) for 15 secs, 30 secs,45 secs and finally 60 secs


Standing with my heels and bum against a wall. Then trying to reach down and touch my toes without moving my heels or bum. Quite hard :D (For me anyway)

1 min quad stretches
1 min calf stretches
1 min hamstring stretches
Then just shaking about, loosening my muscles and general stretching.

I found a great thing for warming down and relaxing.
Close your eye's and twist from one side (so if you're facing forwards you'd twist and face one side and then twist again to face the other side)
Start quickly, but then slow down until only your hands are moving (only your hands! at the start you want to be twisting your hips and moving your feet)

It'll help you relax. If you don't understnad i'll show u.


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