Sunday, 30 September 2007

Right, It's time to get myself sorted out.

Tomorrow is the 1st of October. I'm going to start conditioning PROPERLY. That means sticking to my routine (which I am in the process of making) ,not skipping out exercise and varying my workouts.

I'm also going to get school sorted out. From now on I'm going to try and do all my homework when I get home from school, or at least an hour after I get home. That way I can have the rest of the day to do what I want and not worry about homework. Also means more training time :). I'm gonna try and listen in class, do well in important subjects and focus on the task I have to do.

I feel my parkour skill level has gone done a lot so I'm going to train more and set myself goals for each time I go out and train.

My conditioning timetable will look like this:

General fitness, posterior chain, core strength and back.

30 seconds skipping as fast as I can. x 3
Go for a run, work on speed and stamina.
1 legged glute ham raises. reps of 5. x 4
Plank hold 30 secs. x 3
Superman hold (back) 20 secs. x 3

I'll finish the rest of teh week later .

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