Thursday, 10 January 2008

Parkour is here.

It's a new year and training is going to be sick this year. I have a feeling this year summer is going to be so good with TRACE and training in places like Cambs, London etc.
Felt really good to train in DRY weather last saturday even though it only was for an hour or so, really felt good to have all sense of movement back again and not drilling techniques but actually exploring techniques and movements. But this place i live in is called England and it started to rain..
Hellnight was great fun, I was expecting it to be harder but the exercises we did have to be suitable for everyone. Barefoot training was awesome in the cold and wet, really good to get that started again because I want to train barefoot a lot more so that I can make my touch and control better.

I'm starting to approach harder movements differently to what i usually would. I'm also training different things in parkour, such as getting away when lying on the ground. Or training with one arm behind my back (so hard , dunno how you do it max!) and so on. I'm going to find more ways of training like this to apply in different situations.

I feel all my movements are becoming more fluid and controlled, after Phil came down I've been working hard on precisions. I trained some precisions that I'd never done before because I couldn't get over the fear factor or wasn't strong enough yet. My kalenji's are really good and I've finally worn them in after wearing them loads in the xmas holidays.

On the media side of parkour I want to maybe make a small documentary on young traceurs in hertfordshire - that is still undecided. I might just film a proper training session.

And i actually conditioned today, i really want to train instead but it's too dark and wet and i have homework :(. But conditioning from now is going to be good and I'll do all the exercises on the day! IF I DON'T BEAT ME UP (try to anyway bro)


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