Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Yup...It's post about today

Today I just managed to do all my conditioning. It was actually tougher than I thought but I still managed it :)

I trained with MattNick at the quad and the park today. I hadn't been to the park since it was re-done so it was quite a treat seeing a new spot. We started off warming up and training a bit at the front of the quad. I nearly did a symetrical muscle up, I did the transaction fine but it was just the dip at the end that i couldn't do so I just fell straight back down. Also did an armjump to the quad tree which isn't very big just quite tricky as you have to get your hands right round the tree. I managed to do it landing with one foot but I need to come back to it another day to do it two footed because by the time I was doing it two footed I just slid down the tree because it was wet.
I also told Matt about going up a staircase backwards on all fours. It's a pretty fun exercise to do so we found some dry stairs and were just traversing backwards on them. Also did a bit of training there such as barefoot armjumps,precisions and drilling landings.
Next we went to the park, were there was plenty to do. I hurt my ankle a bit jumping on a small bouncy trampoline thing and landing with half my foot on the bouncy thing and half of my foot on the ground causing it to roll inwards a bit and lightly spraining it.(but i'm resting it and iceing it so it'll be fine, I've done this before and know what to do) From then on I was doing one footed precisions as well as doing some balancing work and doing dips and such on bars.

Was a good day Matt.

1 comment:

Matt Nick said...

Was a great day, enjoyed the variety of things we did :D

deff go out for sessions like this!