Saturday, 22 December 2007

Just to tell you how it's been.

The last 4 weeks or so have been hectic as hell.
Haven't been able to come online as I haven't had internet for four weeks, wasn't too bad actually. Had plenty more to be doing.

I was also ill for a two weeks and have now recovered completely.

Conditioning has been hard with moving house and being ill, managed to condition a few times a week but sometimes only once a week.
I've found an alternative for a weighted vest - school books!
I just fill my bad with all my school books and do weighted pressups, chin ups, squats etc.
But this hasn't substituted my normal body weight conditioning, I'd do 100 body weight pressups and 20 weighted pressups.
I've started this because I felt I wasn't as strong as I could be and need to get back into shape!
I really need to get back into jogging again.
I'll be adding a Friday, Saturday and Sunday conditioning regime today or tomorrow.

Ohh goodness...
I haven't been training much at all, haven't had a proper training session in quite a few weeks but that'll be lifted today.
I'm starting to work on making every movement I do silent, this will really benefit my overall training.
I really miss that scaffolding down the alley way, had great fun on it and I wish it could of stayed longer. But all good things must come to an end someday.
Barefoot training has almost completely gone out the day, today I'm spending a large chunk of the session working on barefoot training - this also helps in my training for silence of each movement. To be fair I hate winter training, but it will really help me with stabilizing my overall skill level and my mental attitude towards training. My current level of parkour is bad and at times it's my best but I really need to stabilize my training and my level of parkour.

Funnily enough school has been very good, I've gotten high marks in all tests i've done and I'm working much harder than last year I'd think. I'm not slacking on homework and I'm doing loadsssss better in Maths and Science.

Ohh yeah- I got 99% in my last ever French test before we start the GCSE stuff.

Keep doing well at schhool when I return.
Condition when I can and if not at least work much harder the next day.
Train whenever it fits. Don't slack when it's raining or icy.

<3 to everyone who read all this haha.